Wipe your DerivedData folder with this one simple trick

When you do any form of iOS development involving Xcode, chances are you’ve been in this situation where nothing works anymore and everybody tells you to wipe your DerivedData folder and try again. During the beginning of Swift this was happening a lot to me and the easier way to do that was to use a zsh alias available in “Oh-My-Zsh”. I’ve always wanted to play with Arduino. I had this idea in the back of my head when I discovered the LikeLight video on Vimeo. I recently had the opportunity to start learning about all this when I met Angelo, a great guy who happens to build robots for a living (or something like that). This two things really don’t have anything in common unless your decide to get a little creative.

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Introducing NaughtyKeyboard, a keyboard to break your apps

Earlier this week, Rémi shared a link to a github repository containing a bunch of weird strings you could use to test a web application. The given example was Twitter that gives you an internal server error when you try to post a tweet with one of those strings. Playing with the custom keyboard API of iOS was on my list but I had no idea what I could do with it until this repository. Last week I released a super-simple custom iOS keyboard to easily use these strings.

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Wrapping Facebook's FBSDKCoreKit with ReactiveCocoa 3.0

I’m currently working on a side project that involves Facebook login, hence the previous post. The Facebook SDK is written in Objective-C and the interoperability with Swift is not that great. Using the API and chaining calls will quickly give you a nice, warm callback soup. Let’s see how we can’t make it (hopefully) better using RAC 3.0.

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Setting up Facebook in your iOS application

I have mixed feelings about Facebook. I’ve often considered closing my account but a few days ago, I created an event to invite my friends to celebrate my 28th birthday so ¯\(ツ)/¯. Setting up Facebook in an iOS application is super easy if you follow the steps provided in the official documentation. Let’s see how you can improve those instructions and make your setup a little better.

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Explain your job like I'm five

Camille, my girlfriend has been volunteering for a while at a place called “la maison des enfants”. I went there once a few months ago and from what I saw and heard, these people are working hard to make sure children of the neighbourhood have a place they can go to to be heard and have fun. Last Saturday, they were looking for people willing to talk about their job and answer their questions, so that’s where I spent my Saturday morning.

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