Playing (music) with git notes

Did you know that you can add notes to a git commit? Of course you do, because you’ve read Scott Chacon and Ben Straub book that tells you everything about git*. The cool thing about git notes is that they are not pushed with the commit (unless you actually want to) and that they can be “namespaced”. You’ll find everything you need about notes on this page.

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Refactoring storyboard related code

I’ve always had some kind of love/hate relationship with Storyboards. Probably like everybody. I found them frustrating and usually ended up with “fuck it, let’s loadView: everything instead”. The issue with this kind of approach is no matter how good you are, no matter how clean is your code, it’s hard to imagine the look of your view just by reading some code.

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EcoHackMtl 2013

A lot of things changed in my life recently, all of them being part of our will of being more responsible, helping communities and making the right choices. That’s why I really loved the concept of EcoHackMtl: Montreal’s first Urban Sustainability hackathon. It was held today and it was awesome.

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I joined a team who needed an iOS developer

I started working with a couple of friends on a project they’ve been working on for a while. The iOS developer they were working with decided to quit for personal reasons, so they asked me to join their team. It’s never easy to take over after another developer, of course you wouldn’t have done it the way he did it. This time I figured it would be a good exercise for me to write some kind of before/after post series.

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