A love letter to reduce

I’ve been using Swift daily for more than a year now, thanks to some pretty cool projects at the company I’m currently working for. Lately I wrote a super simple introduction to enums because so far, being able to think with enums has really been my favorite feature in Swift. Today, I’m adding reduce to that list.

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Debugging the random

The idea behind Rewatch is to suggest you a random episode you’ve already watched. The algorithm behind it is not very good right now: there isn’t one. Well there is one, but it only selects one random episode without taking into consideration that maybe you hated that episode or that maybe you watched it yesterday. Today I wanted to talk about an issue I had when a friend came to me with a layout issue on a very specific Breaking Bad episode.

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I bought an Oristand!

Standing desks have been pretty popular in the past few years. Something about how sitting in a chair for ten hours straight not being super good for your back or your heart. I know it should be higher on my list but because the average standing desk cost a few hundred dollars and because I don’t work from home that much, I’ve been postponing buying one for a while. That’s why I got super interested when I saw the good compromise Oristand was offering. I’m writing this post standing in front of it and I must say it feels really good.

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Shipping Rewatch 1.0

Rewatch app

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Throwback friday: Adobe Flex and Air

In a time like this when it’s finally cool again to rant on Flash, I recently rediscovered thanks to a memory on Facebook that I had videos of a few experiments I did with Flex and AIR. I’ve never really been a good web guy. Even now that I try to experiment from time to time with React (which is awesome, don’t get me wrong), I’ve always been a (native or not) standalone application kind of guy. I remember these days at school where I experimented with Java and Swing and then Flex when I wrote a couple of AIR Desktop applications. I’m not sure how relevant this is because I lost/trashed the sources ages ago but I figured it would be fun to post them here.

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