Grouping elements of a Sequence in Swift

Lately, I’ve been looking for ways to share some of the things I’ve learned in a different, more entertaining way. I’m pretty happy with the results so far. It really made me hungry for experimenting with drawing, painting, recording videos, podcasting. The problem is, I’m still pretty bad at it and that’s why I won’t show you the result of my last 30 minutes spent in Pixelmator.

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Keep calm and open a playground

I realize that “Keep calm and do whatever” has probably been overused at this point and now belongs to the not-so-cool-anymore memes. But then again, this has been my way of tackling a problem, whether complex or not. When I want to try something, I start with a playground.

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Are we coding something stupid today?

Yesterday some great stuff were announced during the Apple Keynote. I’m not going to lie; I’m super excited about Mario coming to iOS and the next iPhone. I’ve always been a bit meh when it comes to the watch, but the announcement about the Nike+ new app made me think about something I could quickly put together.

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Type Erasure in Swift*

I found a number of great articles about associated types and type erasure, but had a really hard time to apply them to my own situation, as most of them deal with Pokemons, Foo/Bar or animals. With that in mind, I figured I should write about my problem and how I managed to solve it.

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Looking for projects using ReactiveCocoa?

ReactiveCocoa is a great project that’s been around for a few years now. I’ve had the opportunity to use it on a few differents projects and to this day it remains my FRP libray of choice. Rewatch, an iOS application I recently shipped, uses it as well as Bailiff, a mac application I started to experiment with MVVM, flow controllers and fancy stuff like that.

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